Edelman published on the 22nd of January its yearly barometer;
I wont go through all the study, but what interests me is the French sector and some of the european countries that I'll add to my article.
It says:
Business is more trusted than either government or media in every region of the globe, according to the eighth annual Edelman Trust Barometer, a survey of 3,100 opinion leaders that measures trust in institutions, companies, and sources of information in 18 countries.
In the three largest economies of Western Europe, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom, trust in business stands at 34%, which is higher than trust in media and government at 25% and 22% respectively. The 2007 survey marks the lowest levels ever of trust in government across these three European countries.
CEOs are trusted by only 18% of opinion leaders in Europe’s three largest economies :)
In France, the situation is worse: publicity reaches hardly… 4%, and occupies the last row, far behind the blogs with 18%.
As for the media, it's also strongly questionned (current events TV: 11%, and radio: 17%). Even the economic magazines - which however appear in second position behind the uncontested winners, financial analysts (40%) - do not succeed in making good figure (29% against 40% in 2006).
My comments:
Regarding the business issue: Just think about religions; their business makes the world turn and they still have billions of followers.
Regarding Advertising: So what! I'd rather advertise Victoria's Secrets in an Ad that lacks credibility than advertising Jesus.
Regarding blogs in France: It's obvious that their credibility is higher than traditional media...just wait one more year and you'll see the curve slipping like a cock just after intercourse :)
Regarding CEOs: In my opinion, and especially in France, most of Head Officers and CEOs are becoming similar to Arab leaders and governors; no credibility, no potential to handle a firm, no sense of business whatsoever. All they have is their contacts, fiestas and mainly, indecent affairs (if you see what I mean) Oh!!! and one more thing, since I compared them to Arab leaders, they Lie perfectly. (is that negative???)
Your comments: ...
To check the entire study: click here
Advertisers should just stop to be self-centered and listen a bit about consumers. The speach of truth always win on lies... that's why people are turning to blogs and trust them !
Regarding religion, don't mix everything Jean... Religion and politics should not have anything to do with advertising and business. Unfortunately they look more and more corrupted but we should fight against it !
Ciao bonsoir !!! Vero
If the equation Blogs = Truth is right, I think that 80% of bloggers should stop editing their blogs.
And if advertising ain't listening and responding to consumers' needs, I think that the industry should change its core business.
Vero, it ain't about credibility, since nothing is credible nowadays.
I doubt in myself everyday, and especially in my critics about all the issues concerning advertising.
But since I'm in this business, I'd rather appreciate what I do, what we all do, and put the credibility issue aside, cause in this damn age of communication, nothing is credible.
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