It's a shame, that's all i can say.
France Telecom has launched a new teaser website in collaboration with M Pokora.
The story goes like this:
M Pokora has lost his new single. OH My Freaking God! I am so touched...
anyway, France telecom invites people to come back on the 29th of march to help M Pokora find his new single.
Well, the shameful thingy is that Sony Ericsson launched the same teaser campaign for the W800 in a wiser way, and the story was about the Dj Laurent Wolf who lost his compilation of new tracks.
At least, i believed that there was a lost mobile phone before they revealed their teasing strategy & informed visiotrs that the phone was lost on several websites like: lemonsound.com
That's freaky, seeing that people have the guts to copy the same communication strategy of others with no shame whatsoever.
And they call that....The F*ckin' Buzzzzz.
Not so surprising.
M Pokora is just a french copy of US/UK "artists" like Usher or Justin Timberlake.
The full website is now online. Can you explain where is the plagiarism ? Thanx.
Well check the www.wolf800.com and you will see.
Same teaseing phase, same message and same intrigue.
Wow why do people hate soooo hard!!! He isn't the one that made up that idea to copy that add. He'd only be a copy if the french shipped him over here to try to get into our R&B market.
i didn't mention Mpokora in any bad manner.this post talks about Francetelecom plagiarism
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