On Sunday, June 18th 2006, Paul MacCartney will be 64 years old.
He wrote about this day in the song "
When I'm Sixty-Four" included in the
greatest album ever, "Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band",
released in '67 by the greatest band of all times,
The Beatles.
To celebrate his birthday and honour the band, we call upon all of
those who were affected by them to gather on Sunday, June 18th, at 12 noon
sharp, to listen to and remember "When I'm Sixty-Four".
Happy Birthday to you Paul! Happy Bithday to The Beatles! And thank you for
all the happiness you've brought us!"
Meeting Places :
Paris : Champ de Mars, Tour Eiffel
Lyon : Place Bellecour
Marseille : Vieux Port
New York : Central Park
Londres : Trafalgar Square
Berlin : Porte de Brandebourg
Rome : Trinité dei Monti
Bruxelles : Grand Place
Tokyo, Moscou : Place Rouge
Pékin : Place Tien an men
Madrid, Barcelone : Plaza Real
via Buzzman