To promote the new Axe Anti-hangover shower gel a microsite with an online competition was created: You can win a trip to Ibiza if you send in two pictures of you - the first one taken during a "hard" party-night, the second one on the morning after. Visitors of the site can then vote for the favorite pictures. Quite an appropriate approach to support the launch of an anti-hangover shower gel.
Pringles New Advergame

Sony Playstation 2's 'Jak X '
The Viral Chart is tracking Maverick's latest viral spot Car Jak'd , which rips into a notorious dancing robot who busts one move too many. The viral campaign launches Sony Playstation 2's 'Jak X ' - combat racing with an epic storyline.
New Xbox 360 Viral Campaign, Help Us Solve It (click to enter)
Xbox launched its new viral campaign earlier this month with a perfect teasing strategy combined with street marketing visuals of a supposedly enigmatic sign.
this sign or logo is exposed on:trucks, hotels bars, clubs, sandbeach, ...
Help Xbox solve this mystery.

118118experience Vs. toutouyoutour:118218

Here we go, the war is announced.
Several companies such as: Francetelecom, TheNumber, Allô Bottin, Telegate will be fighting for market shares.
After numerous years of monopoly by Francetelecom...the new players are in.

Axe news-report-mocking video is about a fictitious Alaskan town that used Axe deodorant to attract women because the town had none, has finally found a home beyond the bits and bytes of the viral highway. The video will be central to an interactive television campaign running on Comcast ITV's Cartoon Network Swim Block and will consist of a news banner that runs along the bottom of programming which, if clicked, leads to the video.